Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So long...

It has been a week since I posted to my blog but what a busy week it has been. Dear husband is feeling so much better since his heart attack, he is up and around and getting back to his daily schedule. He received 3 stents to the blocked artery that caused the attack.

My father was so much better a few days ago that he was moved to a wonderful rehab center late yesterday. Unfortunately he was moved so late in the day that he woke this morning alone and in a strange place, he became upset. He does not remember being moved from the hospital to rehab and so he was somewhat confused today. I plan to be with him early tomorrow so mom can take at least half the day to herself. She is not sleeping well and hopefully knowing she does not have to be with dad quite so early tomorrow will allow her a bit more sleep.

I am way behind with the last of my holiday stitching. I just have not been able to concentrate and had no desire to pick up a needle....and I am trying to complete a wall hanging for my hubby for Christmas. I have decided to give up on it as a surprise. I will show it to him and allow him to participate as I finish it as I think he will enjoy that. It is a Snippits Sensation of Cindy Walter's. I am making the Soaring Eagle that will hang above his computer desk. Well that is all for now as I have to be up early tomorrow.

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